
Bachelor of Science in 时尚管理

For a full list of all courses offered by the Juren Sullivan Center for 时尚管理, 参观 课程目录.

学生 will be introduced to University procedures, the 时尚管理 Program and an overview of the fashion industry. 本课程作为学习社区的一部分,与时尚1305:时尚导论和FMGT 1310:服装结构一起提供.

本课程介绍了时尚行业在产品设计中使用的创意软件程序, 视觉效果, 以及销售演示. FMGT 1301的目的是向学生介绍在时尚行业的各个方面使用的计算机应用和软件. 本课程的主要目标是为学生建立一个基础,让他们对课程感到舒适,并在整个学位过程中继续使用这些课程, increasing their proficiency and gaining competitive advantages in the field. 大多数入门级时尚工作和实习都要求应聘者对时尚管理软件(如微软和Adobe应用程序)有很好的理解。. 在本课程中所学到的知识和技能将在学生毕业后的时装课程和工作领域中继续使用.

学生将透过完成样板及成衣,发展基本的缝纫技巧,以发展时尚沟通. The safe use of sewing tools, machines, sergers and pressing equipment.

An introduction to textiles that provides a broad view of the development, production and utilization of fabrics and the impact they have on 设计 and construction. The characteristics of different fibers, yarns, fabrics and finishes are investigated.

The study of promotional strategies unique to the fashion industry. Special emphasis is placed on visual merchandising techniques relevant to the wholesale or retail level of the industry.

在这个调查课程中, 学生将学习西方服装从19世纪晚期(高级时装的引入和时装业的发展)到现在的演变过程. 作为一门调查课程, 主要的历史, economic and cultural events will be the foundational background to show how dress and appearance reflect these events. 学生将学习用于描述服装和外表的术语,并学习如何识别女性和男性服装的重复主题.


This course combines analytic insights with creative 过程es and problem-solving. 学生 will explore theories of creativity that encompass person, 过程, 产品与压力机(环境). In addition, students will reflect upon everyday creativity and major creative leaders or acts. This course is 设计ed as an interdisciplinary experience for all majors. 讲座课程. 可以不重复申请学分吗.

This course is the study of textile product quality control issues important to manufacturers/设计ers, 零售商, 和消费者. Evaluating product quality based on appearance, 成本, 材料, construction details and end-use will be emphasized.

FMGT 2341

本课程的目的是提高学生对服装行业的社会责任和可持续发展问题的认识. 学生 will learn about social responsibility, 环境问题, 可持续设计实践, 比如零浪费设计.


本课程的目的是介绍时装企业如何通过制造商(供应商)或零售商监控销售. 学生将学习定价策略如何影响制造商和零售商的决策,以及定价策略如何随市场水平而变化. 为制造商, decisions are to establish unit 成本s and wholesale prices, whereas 零售商 establish prices to enhance brand reputation, price ranges (lines) and promotional pricing to sell to the final consumer.

FMGT 2350

This course continues work begun in FMGT 3355 Fashion Operations Management 1. 本课程将着重于零售促销定价技巧(暂时性和永久性降价)。, maintained markup and cumulative markup. 学生 learn how to develop a buying plan (financial tool used to monitor sales goals, 库存水平, 降价并开放购买). 学生 also learn advanced distribution analysis using assortment plans, inventory management and other stock monitoring techniques. The course will also continue the vendor/retailer relationship with greater detail on invoice management.

FMGT 3355

学生 will gain supervised work experience in a fashion business which is approved by the course instructor. The student must work 50 hours on the job within the semester enrolled.

The purpose of this course is to expose students to the theory-based study of dress and 设计. Dimensions of individuality are explored regarding the cultural, 心理, 以及服饰的社会学影响. Both historical and contemporary aspects of dress are studied.


Introduce individuals to various forms of advertising and methods of public relations to promote a business or event. 指导个人策划和展示时装秀活动的过程,以及如何概述组织成功活动所需的步骤.

课程的重点是帮助学生从大学生的生活方式过渡到职业的生活方式. The course will include content regarding resume development, 找工作, 面试技巧. 学生 will learn how to navigate websites for job postings. 学生 learn to analyze a company’s culture relative to career development, 道德, 多元化管理政策, 人力资源管理政策, sustainability policies and workplace etiquette.


本课程的目的是包括设计和销售的角度来模拟大众市场的时尚产品线方法, using computer aided 设计 software for product life cycle management. 学生 focus upon supply chain manufacturing 过程es for pre-production. Such work will include style modifications, technical packages and 成本ing evaluations.


学生将学习国外纺织服装制造和零售及其对国内制造商和零售商的影响. Other topics include export and import-program development, 关税, 配额, 融资, transportation and other trade-related aspects.


Supervised work experience in an approved work environment focused on product sales; must work at least 150 hours on the job within the semester enrolled. 可以重复学分吗. 先决条件: 9 hours in upper division courses in FMGT or permission of the instructor. 费.

This course encompasses both the 设计 and apparel production 过程es as practiced in the apparel industry. 学生 will identify a target market to develop apparel products using product life cycle management (PLM) software. 工作室课程.

Senior standing and instructor signature

Study tours are organized for students to explore major fashion industry cities. 学生 take excursions to experience fashion businesses and the culture of the city. 学生可浏览, dependent on destination: apparel manufacturers, 市场, 博物馆, 零售商, 测试实验室, 纺织厂, 贸易协会, and other areas of interest within the soft goods industry. Destinations rotate according to current events and opportunities. 需要导师的许可.


This basic fashion course is an introduction to the fashion industry. It encompasses the 设计 过程 from inspiration through production. 重点是术语, 时尚产业和流程, 设计元素和原则, the creative 过程 of inspiration documentation, 设计实验. 时尚1305的目的是向学生介绍在全球经济背景下时尚产业是如何组织和开展业务的. The course is a survey course from textile fiber production, 设计, 服装及配饰生产, 零售分销, and related auxiliary businesses necessary to support the manufacture and sale of fashion goods. 本课程旨在通过设计和色彩理论的元素和原理来提高学生的服装设计知识. Fashion 术语 and recognition of 设计 styles are included as components of the course. 学生将被要求通过各种项目和设计期刊展示创造性地使用灵感和设计实验. 学生 will also be required to learn and will be assessed on their knowledge of 术语, styles and applicability of the elements and principles.

在本课程中, students will be introduced to pattern production, 术语, 结构, 和过程. 本课程的目的是培养学生对时装行业中图案制作和生产的理解. Pattern production is an integral part of the fashion 过程 that affects all aspects from 设计 to retail. Flat pattern making is the application of a 2-dimensional patterning 过程 for the 3-dimensional human body. Pattern development requires reasoning, creativity, and precision. Skills in pattern making are achieved through practice and knowledge of basic pattern production. 学生 will explore the principles and techniques associated with pattern manipulation, 起草, 和隔音材料. Additionally, students will be introduced to computer-aided pattern development and production.

This basic fashion course is an introduction to technical drawing for fashion. 在本课程中, students will learn illustration techniques for the rendering of fashion flats by hand and by computer. 学生 must be able to accurately represent and communicate garment details, 织物类型, 适合, 通过插图进行修饰. Illustration is the most commonly used form of communication in the fashion industry. It helps to clarify the 设计er’s idea as well as production information and it eliminates language barrier issues. It is also necessary when developing a professional portfolio to aid in obtaining a job.

Introduction to industrial pattern manipulations, principles, and techniques. 服装生产与设计专业的学生需要了解平面图案的原理,作为服装设计的基础. 本课程建立在时尚1310时装图案制作课程的基础上,通过实际应用以前学到的核心原则和术语. Flat pattern making is the application of a 2- dimensional patterning 过程 for the 3-dimensional human body. Pattern development requires reasoning, creativity, and precision technical skill. Skills in pattern making are achieved through practice and knowledge of basic pattern manipulation.


The study and application of intermediate techniques of 制模 using flat pattern, 起草, 隔声材料, 还有电脑. 学生将学习如何平面图案, 隔声材料, and 起草 work together to produce a stronger understanding of the 制模 and 设计 过程es.

时尚2331 and permission of instructor

本课程的目的是培养对建筑技术在服装产品市场水平设计中的作用的理解. 通过讲座的结合, 讨论, 产品样品评价, and application of the construction techniques, 学生将综合和反思适合自己和他人服装产品的施工技术选择. 工作室课程.

FMGT 3340

This course will study apparel 设计 through the three-dimensional manipulation of fabric on a dressform. 学生 will explore how fabric grain influences 设计. 学生 will apply 设计 principles to the development of garment 设计s.

时尚2331 and successful completion of skills assessment

学生 will explore creative and customer-driven 设计 through various research methods, 概念构思, 引导讨论. 在本课程中, 学生将深入了解服装设计过程以及如何适应不同的市场需求. 必须在大四的时候修吗. 工作室课程.


Illustration is the most commonly used form of communication in the fashion industry. Artistic illustration skills enable students and graduates to accurately represent and communicate garment details, 织物类型, 适合, 并以视觉方式进行装饰. The skills help to clarify the 设计er’s idea as well as production information and it eliminates language barriers. It is also necessary when developing a professional portfolio to aid in obtaining a job. Additionally, computers are an increasingly important part of the fashion industry. The ability to render fashions and figures, 编辑照片, and create page layouts are often skills required upon hiring. These skills also help to create a more impressive portfolio and increase the chance of being hired. This course introduces illustration techniques for hand and computer rendering of fashion figures, 服装, 和面料, 使用各种材料. Includes portfolio layouts, portfolio creation and fashion boards.


Study and application of 过程 for creating mass-market private-label apparel lines. 这包括使用适合行业的计算机应用程序,并将结合销售和设计技术,以便更全面地了解服装行业.

研究和应用弹力织物服装和/或毛衣的初中级制版技术和构造方法. 学生将获得针织图案制作和建筑技术的知识,为他们进入就业市场提供优势.

先决条件: 时尚2331

This course introduces students to specialized 设计, 制模, and construction topics which may include specialty 市场, 比如男装, 女式加码, 童装, 新娘, 特殊需求或其他市场. Topic varies from semester to semester. 学生 will review the 设计 needs for the market as well as the 制模 requirements. Emphasis will be placed on industry standards for the specialty market.


Fabric is the fashion 设计er’s primary medium. 在本课程中, students explore creative expression of fabric manipulation to expand their boundaries of possible 设计 solutions. They are exposed to fabric manipulation techniques such as dyeing, 丝网印刷, 织物绘画, 抵制技术, 化学织构技术, 缝制纹理技术, 和手工刺绣的时尚. 鼓励学生发现和结合技术,以产生新的纺织品设计,用于时尚或其他相关行业. This will engender a greater ability to 设计 with surface techniques and to communicate with vendors
