Veronica G. Martinez Acosta, Ph.D.

Professor, Biology

Dr. Martinez-Acosta维罗妮卡·马丁内斯·阿科斯塔是道成肉身大学的生物学教授. Veronica earned a Ph.D. in Zoology from Texas A&M University in the laboratory of Dr. Mark J. Zoran. 随后,她在德克萨斯大学(University of Texas)获得了博士后奖学金. Bing Zang, now at the University of Missouri. Dr. Martinez Acosta has studied systems-level neural plasticity in the annelid worm, Lumbriculus variegatus and in Drosophila melanogaster. 她的实验室继续研究控制神经再生和伤口愈合的分子机制以及干细胞群体在这些再生过程中的作用. 她得到了美国国家科学基金会和陆军部的支持,以支持她主要对本科生进行的研究. Dr. Martinez Acosta teaches undergraduate courses in cellular biology, developmental biology, and neurobiology. 不在教室的时候,她和她的本科生一起在研究实验室. Currently, 她很自豪能担任本科神经科学学院的官员,并担任海洋生物实验室NSF REU网站的联合主任:伍兹霍尔生物发现本科生研究暑期机会. Most recently she has begun writing and speaking about diversity, inclusion and equity issues in higher education. On a personal note, Dr. 阿科斯塔喜欢与她的两个儿子巴勃罗和迭戈以及她的丈夫阿方索共度时光. Her hobbies include being a soccer mom; taking her dog for long hikes; cooking; and traveling.

Contact Information

Office Location: Bonilla Science Hall 103
Phone: (210) 829-3149

  • University of St. Thomas (Houston, TX) Biology B.A. 1996
  • University of St. Thomas (Houston, TX) Elem. Ed. B.A. 1996
  • Texas A&M University (College Station, TX) Zoology Ph.D. 2005
  • University of Texas (Austin, TX) Neurobiology Post-doc. 2005-06
  • 2018 – present Course Faculty, Marine Biological Laboratory Summer Program in Neuroscience, Excellence, and Success (SPINES)
  • 2018-present Professor, Biology, University of the Incarnate Word
  • 2016-present Whitman Center Scientist, Marine Biological Lab, Woods Hole, MA
  • 2012-2018 Associate Professor, Biology, University of the Incarnate Word
  • 2008-2012 Assistant Professor, Biology, University of the Incarnate Word
  • 2007-2008 Assistant Professor, Part-Time, Southwestern University
  • 2006-2007 Visiting Assistant Professor, Biology, Southwestern University
  • 2005-2006年,美国德克萨斯大学神经生物学研究室博士后
  • Biol 4399 ST: Neurobiology of the Senses
  • Biol 4399 ST: Cancer Biology
  • Biol 4320 Neurobiology
  • Biol 4390 Developmental Biology
  • Biol 3311 Cell Biology Lecture
  • Biol 3202 Research in Cellular and Molecular Genetics
  • Biol 1402 General Biology I for Majors
  • Chair, UIW Honors Program Council (2019 – present)
  • 总统多元化、公平和包容委员会代表(2018年至今)
  • Representative, UIW Faculty Senate (2016-2018; 2010-2013)
  • Reviewer, Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education (2017-present)
  • Reviewer, NSF – REU Programs, Division of Biological Infrastructure (2016 – present)
  • Treasurer, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience (2016 – present)
  • Chair, Neuroscience Section, Texas Academy of Science (2014-2016)
  • UIW Alpha Faculty Mentor (2014-present)
  • Faculty Advisor - UIW Biology Club (2009-present)
  • 2009-10 SOMAS:神经科学导师及其学生的支持-戴维森学院家长资助的VGA暑期研究分奖(NSF DUE奖# 0426266)
  • 2011; 2012; 2016; 2019 Faculty Endowment Research Award; Awardee
  • 2012 UIW Provost’s Legacy Teaching Award
  • 2012 Sr Eleanor Ann Young Award for Truth – UIW Mission Continues Faculty Award
  • 2018年综合与比较生物学学会-扩大参与旅游奖
  • 2019 UIW Dr. Kathleen Light Outstanding Faculty Award

我的研究目标是在无脊椎动物模型系统中确定影响损伤后功能再生的细胞和分子机制. 我特别感兴趣的是了解损伤对环节动物蠕虫神经再生的下游影响, Lumbriculus variegatus. Lumbriculus variegatus is an ideal model system for examining behavioral, physiological, cellular and molecular mechanisms of development, regeneration and systems-level plasticity. In my laboratory, we investigate the cascade of events following injury that underlie Lumbriculus’ remarkable regenerative ability; an ability that has been lost in higher order vertebrates. I possess 16 years of expertise researching this unique model system. 这项研究的大部分是在本科生的协助下进行的, community college student, and high school student researchers. Currently, 我作为本科生神经科学学院(FUN)的财务主管为整个科学界服务, 一个专注于本科神经科学教育和研究的全国性组织. 我还通过BRAINS(扩大神经科学学术研究人员的代表性)项目指导初级教员和高级博士后,并通过神经科学海洋生物实验室暑期项目和成功暑期课程指导研究生。. Lastly, I serve as a peer reviewer for the National Science Foundation and for the journal, Invertebrate Biology.

Developmental neurobiology; neural regeneration; stem cell dynamics during regeneration; molecular determinants and mechanisms of synaptic plasticity; comparative developmental biology; evolution of regenerative mechanisms; evolution of annelid structure/organization/and regeneration; photoreceptor characteristics in invertebrates.

Ongoing Research Support:

  1. NSF - REU站点:伍兹霍尔的生物发现-(2/2017 -至今)-奖项#1659604 -该REU站点奖授予位于伍兹霍尔的海洋生物实验室(MBL), MA supports the training of 10 students for 10 weeks during the summers of 2017-2019. – Co-PI: Veronica G. Martinez Acosta

Completed/Previously Awarded Research Support:

  1. NIMH - NRSA -神经科学多样性计划/美国心理学会( 2002-2005 ) Grant No.: T32MH18882
  2. NIH Extramural Associates Research Development Award ( 8/2010-12/2010) $10,000.00; Program Director: Brian McBurnett, Ph.D. (University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, TX)
  3. NSF Major Research and Instrumentation Grant ( 1/2013-1/2014) $ 450,120.00; PI: Jonathan M. King, Ph.D. (Trinity University); (Grant No.: DBI-1229702) Co-PIs: Veronica G. Acosta, Ph.D (Univ. of the Incarnate Word); Tyisha Williams, Ph.D. (Trinity Univ.); James L. Roberts, Ph.D (Trinity Univ.); Franklyn G. Healy, Ph.D. (Trinity Univ.)
  4. 高中学徒计划(HSAP)/本科生研究学徒计划(URAP)/国防部/研究教育外展- ( 2015) - BAA ONRBAA13-022- Supplemtn to DoA grant (W911NF-12-R-0009). Award Amount $3,1名本科生和1名高中生研究学徒(共6000美元).00).
  5. 本科生研究学徒计划/国防部/研究教育外展- ( 2014) - BAA ONRBAA13-022 – Supplement to DoA grant (W911NF-12-R-0009). Status: Award Amount $3,000 each for 2 student research apprentices (Total $6000.00).
  6. DoD Research and Education Program for Historically Black ( 5/2013 – 9/2016) - Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU/MI) $ 617,974.00; PI: Veronica G. Acosta, PhD. (Univ. of Incarnate Word); Grant No.:BAA W911NF-12-R-0009
  • Lybrand ZR, Martinez-Acosta VG, and Zoran MJ. (2019)耦合感觉中间神经元介导水生环节动物蠕虫的逃逸神经回路加工, Lumbriculus variegatus. Journal of Comparative Neurology (Accepted 8.2019).
  • Martinez Acosta VG and Favero CB. (2018). 大学层面的多样性和包容性讨论:战略计划的必要性. 本科神经科学教育学报,2018,16(3):A252-A260.
  • Martinez-Acosta Veronica G and Zoran, Mark J (October 2015). Evolutionary Aspects of Annelid Regeneration. In: eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. DOI:10.1002/9780470015902.a0022103.pub2
  • Whittaker JA, Montgomery BL, and Martinez Acosta VG. (2015). 保留未被充分代表的少数民族教师:基于一系列学术机构观点的机构价值主张的战略举措. 本科神经科学教育学报,2015,13(3):A136-A145.
  • Zoran MJ and Martinez VG (2009). 斑马纹和对速度的需求:快速逃逸研究的模型系统, Regeneration and Asexual Reproduction.” In: Annelids as Models Systems in the Biological Sciences (Ed. Daniel Shain). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell Publishers. Pp. 185-204.
  • Martinez VG, Manson JMB*, and Zoran MJ (2008). 神经损伤和节段性再生对神经形态轴细胞相关因子的影响. Journal of Experimental Zoology (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 310B(6): 520-533.
  • Martinez VG, Javadi CS*, Ngo E*, Ngo L*, Lagow R*, and Zhang B (2007). Age-related changes in climbing behavior and neural circuit physiology in Drosophila. Developmental Neurobiology 67(6):778-91.
  • Martinez VG, Reddy PK*, and Zoran MJ (2006). Asexual Reproduction and Segmental Regeneration, but Not Morphallaxis, 硼酸对斑纹蚓的抑制作用(环节动物:栉虫目:蚓科). Hydrobiologia 564(1): 73-86.
  • Martinez VG, Menger GJ, III, and Zoran MJ (2005). 再生和无性生殖具有共同的分子变化:蚓状细胞形态变化过程中神经糖表位的上调. Mechanisms of Development 122(5): 721-732.